7. Midsummer Party (30/06/2014)

Written by Niki Lam
Organised by Danielle Au (Group Leader), Niki Lam, Teresa Leung, Cici Shum, Cake Wong and Xenia Wu

This activity was held at Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (Lok Fu). It aimed at promoting healthy living style by asking older adults to exercise more in order to show their vitality. The entire activity included three games: Raising Flags, Throwing Balls and Dancing.

In the activity, participants were divided into 4 groups in the flag game and 2 in ball throwing. In the flag game, participates were required to raise either red or green flag according to the group leaders’ instructions. Older adults who performed well were given gifts. For the ball throwing game, participants had to throw as many balls as they could in a designated area with time limits.

We had prepared a dancing performance to showcase our energy and passion to the elderly. Professors and students were invited to join the performance. After that the older adults learned some simple steps and everyone danced happily. This activity ended with a cheerful atmosphere.

The best gain in the activity was that we could interact and exchange ideas with people from different generations through the process of organizing and holding the activity. Moreover, the activity could help improving the older adults’ health in a delightful way.

In the very beginning, we worried that the older adults might not be able to move a lot. Unexpectedly, they were so active and did not even have to take a break for the whole morning. This motivated us a lot. We sincerely thought that our efforts put in the activity worth much.